Greetings Calvary Members, Families, and Friends!

    Yes, I’m late at getting my monthly message out this month because there is so much going on at Calvary in September!  It’s the first week of September, so that means it is Rummage Sale week here at Calvary.  The team will be working hard all week to finish getting everything set-up and taking in all the wonderful last minute donations.  The community is even more involved in dropping off donations and telling us how much they are looking forward to our upcoming sale on Saturday, September 7th.  Doors open at 8 am and close at 4 pm.  Delicious food is available!  Come and join us in the fun, fellowship, and help us to show the love of Christ to all those that walk through our doors!

    Along with the Rummage Sale, there is our Friends and Family Night on Thursday, September 5th from 5-8.  This is your chance to invite your friends, family, neighbors, or anyone you would like to come and shop early, meet your Calvary family and see what we are all about.  A good time is had by all with the popcorn machine going too! Be sure and tell everyone to come back on Saturday as we can’t put out everything we have for Thursday night.

 We have 2 weeks to recover from all of that until our Third Annual Car Show on Saturday September 21st  from 1 - 4.  It’s going to be bigger and better than ever with a DJ, food, and prizes!  The Outreach Team has been working hard all year long to help make this a fun and uplifting event for Calvary and the community.  If you would like to help out, just talk with Jennifer Hurst and help us show the community what Calvary is all about!

    That is a lot happening in one month!  These are great opportunities for us to show God’s love to those around us and I pray that you can join us in doing just that! 

God’s blessings to all!   


Jeff Steingass, Chairman 


      In case you missed it, a few weeks ago Jim told Gordy and the Congregation that he had been accepted into Concordia Seminary’s Specific Ministry Pastor Program.  This means that Jim will be working online taking Seminary courses to become Calvary’s next Pastor.  All students in the SMP Program have a mentor Pastor that works with them throughout the program and Jim’s mentor is Pastor Chris Cahill. This is a four-year program and ordination can happen after completion of the first two years.

       We at Calvary are more than excited that this is finally happening! What a wonderful blessing from God!  The cost of the program is between $11,000 & $12,000 per year.  We hope to help fund this through the Calvary Scholarship Fund.  If you would like to make a contribution, mark your donation to the Scholarship Fund.  

      To find out more about the SMP Program, click on the link below:

    Thanks to all of you for your patience and understanding throughout this whole process.


Jeff Steingass, Chairman 


