HOW TO BECOME A PART OF THE CALVARY FAMILY1. Begin with Being Involved: Worship, Bible Study, Groups2. Be Baptized: We believe in our Lord’s command to baptize “all nations”. Therefore, we extend to all—infants, children, youth and adults who have not been baptized—the Sacrament of Baptism. Please consult the pastor regarding this gift.3. Be Confirmed: We graciously invite those adults who are looking for a church home to participate in our pastor’s information class, God for Us.4. Reaffirm Your Faith: If you were confirmed in the Lutheran Church, but have not been active in a LC-MS congregation, please speak to the pastor regarding your desire to re-affirm your faith.5. Seek a Letter of Transfer: We gladly accept the transfer of your membership if you are a confirmed member of The Lutheran Church– Missouri Synod. If you have another denominational background, we kindly request that you speak to the pastor about our membership procedure.
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